Here after we don’t need to do CAPTCHAs

After seeing the title most of us feel very relaxed and sad without CAPTCHA verification. But once you read the full article you will feel very easy both physically and technically.

As per our blog procedure, we have to move one by one. First, it’s my work to explain what CAPTCHA is. CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Human Apart. CAPTCHAs are the tests you have to take while logon to any web services that ask you to click the images like buses, crosswalks, or others to prove that you’re human.

Based on the definition all of you understand what CAPTCHA is and how it works. The purpose of CAPTCHA is to verify you apart from the system. Now all of you have one doubt, the work of CAPTCHA is very essential than who wants to replace this CAPTCHA and why. The answer to the first question is Cloudfire. Yes, Cloudfire is none other than the company which you may know as a provider of DNS service or the company telling you why the website you clicked on won’t load, this one wants to replace the CAPTCHA system.

But why they want to replace the CAPTCHA? The problem is they add lots of friction to using the web and can sometimes be difficult to solve because we can’t properly see those images while it is very small in size so most of them failed to solve it. To resolve this conflict Cloudfire wants to replace CAPTCHA with the new system called Cryptographic Attestation of Personhood.

Now we have to the next topic and it’s necessary to know the details about the new technology. This one majorly used the hardware security key for verification. this key is worked as the cryptographic attestation which sends o the Cloudfire System for verification. the Server previously stored the list of a hardware security key, once they receive the key for verification then it matches them with the list if they found the matches then provide access to the user otherwise they denied it. The major advantage of this one is all the above processes are done within five seconds, which means the new process is time-consuming. Another big advantage is user privacy; all the security keys in the server just look like a number so hacking those won’t provide any details about the user. The third advantage is there is no looping in this system, which means where the user isn’t asked to click on buses 10 times in a row.

I think now you know why Cloudfire wants to replace the CAPTCHA system with this new one. But currently, this new one is in the testing phase. So we have to wait and tolerate CAPTCHAs for few more days.

If you have any doubt, then let me know through the comments section.

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