Hack you biological System!! Bio hacking!!!

After seeing the title you are going to think many different ways, but stop imagining. Because it is not hacking of your details for illegal activities, the true meaning of biohacking is optimizing your body through the use of technology and biology.

Through the definition, I think that biohacking is both personal and a technological development that’s going to have a big influence on our life and our society. Biohacking is a verb rod concept. But here I try to explain it simply so if you found any mistakes then let me know through the comments section.

For me, this is what comes to my mind is, biohacking is about optimizing your life and you through the use of technology, biology, holistic research, and personal experiments.

I think now you can understand somewhat about biohacking. So it’s not hacking your details but it’s a very effective one to make you a superhuman (like Iron Man).

Ok, it enhances our abilities right. But how? Which of the technological and non-technological things are used? What kind of impact it will make on our daily life? All these questions have come to our mind right. So we have to found the answer to this question.

Biohacking is divided into three broad categories. They are

  1. Self-tracking
  2. Human performance improvements
  3. Human enhancement

Self-tracking – it comprises quantified self and lifelogging/ streaming. The first one quantified himself means measuring, monitoring, and analyzing various aspects of life. It’s like our activity tracker. The second one lifelogging or streaming is used to documenting those collected activity details.

Human performance improvement – this one consists of three things. They are

  • Body hacking – enhance your health through physical activities (exercise and diet)
  • Mind hacking – enhance your mental health
  • Consciousness hacking – which is about using technology for spiritual growth

Human enhancement – this one encompasses three categories:

  • Human Augmentation – enhance human abilities through medicine or technology
  • Biotechnology – finding techniques to leverage biology for practical purposes
  • Transhumanism – like superhuman

The above three categories are the developing models of bio-hacking technology. I think through those categories now you can understand what and how biohacking technology is going to work.

If you’re looking for an example to this one to understand it better, then think of genetically modified crops to solve food scarcity, intervening in the human body to prevent the disease from developing and the use of personal data to improve education, healthcare, and governance.

Not I think you’re all getting the idea about biohacking. It is none other than a new human augmentation technology. I believe that in the next few years the word “Bio-Hacking” is going to become more and more popular, and also a broad category. It won’t just refer to enhance your body through the use of technology but also to the connection to nature. And it won’t just be focused on your body as an individual but also on the impact of others and the plant. So all we do is Just Wait!! & Watch!!!

I’ll expect great questions from you. Thank You.

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Once again thank you for reading!!!

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