Ransomware: The Beginner's Guide

Did you hear the word Ransomware? In recent times, the word is getting much popularity. If you hear about it then this article will help you to understand it much better. If not then, then it’s also useful to know the details about it. So no more waiting let's jump on the topic, Ransomware.

Here I explain the details about what is ransomware, its history, its types, and how to protect ourselves against it. Ok before going on to the technical definition let us consider the real-life situation for better understanding.

Just imagine your company will launch a new autonomous car (self-driving car), it isn’t just an autonomous car but it is the first model that is fully automated, and if you’re going to test drive it tomorrow for verification. Once the verification is successful, then you’re the first company which procedures self-driving car at the same you’re going to be a big billionaire in this era.  All the details about the verification and the working process of the car are stored in the main server due to the excitement of verification you don’t back up it. But here the hackers take advantage and hacked your system take over the control of the system. The next day before going to the office, you’re checking the system for one final self-verification, but the system displayed a message that you’re hacked if you want to use the system then you have to pay some amount to the hacker. What will you do? It’s the D- Day for you right.

If you understand this situation correctly, then ransomware is nothing but candy for you. So move onto the technical definition of the term Ransomware, A ransomware or ransom malware is a type of infected file injected into our system that is taking full control over the system it will either fully block the system or display the message. Then the attacker demands a ransom from the victim to restore access to the data upon the payment.

Now I think you fully understand what ransomware is and how it makes us furious. Ok, let’s get back onto the history of ransomware. Basically, ransomware attacks have more than 40 years of history. Because the first ransomware attack happened in the 1980s. Till now, exactly said that just before writing this one, the company named JBS was faced a ransomware attack, and the hackers asked for ransom (money) for the decryption key.

Here I state some of the attacks that happen around the world. Basically, the first well known attack has happened in Russia between 2005 and 2006. In earlier years, ransomware typically encrypt particular file types such as .doc, .jpg, .pdf, .xls, .zip and other commonly used file types. After some time, the hackers are those infected files on email (spam), SMS, and Malvertising.  Initially, ransomware infections were initially limited to Russia, but due to its popularity it will spread across all over the places and until today it worked as a profitable business model for cybercriminals.

Ok, I think the basic history of ransomware is over now we have to know the details about the various types of ransomware attacks. Basically, the types of ransomware attacks are classified based on severity.

1)   Scareware – A pop-up message claiming that malware discovered and the only way to get rid of it is to pay up.

2)   Screen lockers – When lock screen ransomware gets on your computer, it means you’re frozen out of your PC entirely. A full sized alert window will appear on your home screen and tells you that you’re doing illegal activities that are why the system is blocked by the government officials and if you want to get back your data then you have to pay the fine amount for it.

3)    Encrypting ransomware – This one is major thread. These are the guys who snatch up your files and encrypted them, and demanding payment in order to decrypt and redeliver. But why I tell you that this one is very dangerous, because all the files are under the control of hackers and at te same there is no guarantee if the files are given back once the around is played.

Other than, these are various type of ransomware attacks are happening in real-time. So now you all know that how important to protect our files but we’re all have to know the way for it. Here I suggest some ways but if you have any other ideas then let me know through the comments section.

1)   Make a proper security software/hardware for your device

2)   To create a secure backup of your data on a regular basis. Try to use cloud storage that includes high level encryption and multifactor authentication

3)   To create back using external devices like USB, hard disks, then eject it after finished the backup. Other they are also gets infected.

4)   Be sure the system and software are updated regularly.

5)   The final step is to educate you on how to detect malspam, suspicious websites and other doubtable ones.

And above all else, exercise common sense. If it seems suspect, it probably is. So always aware of the unknown mails and doubtable activities.

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