Google I/O 2021: Launches New Project Starline! New Way of Video Calling!!

Did you believe it? It’s possible to talk and see others who is in some other place, through this new technology. In this covid-19 crisis, we’re all missing our loved one who is far away from our place. But we can see to them through video calling technology but it’s like a 2D view of them. Here I say that instead of this 2D technology, we can see them face to face like their holographic present in front of you. Did you believe this?  If not, then you do not hear about Google I/O. we already discuss Google I/O and some of the expected technology about this event. But our tech giant surprised us through their new technology Project Starline.

Before going to this new technology we must understand how video calling technology is changed our daily life in this covid – 19 pandemic situations. In this pandemic situation, all types of industries starting from our education field to most of the working industries are run their business through this video conferencing method. Even our earth will stop its rotation without this technology. Now all of you know that how this technology is an important one for us. But it has some disadvantages; basically, this type of call is mostly like making conference with other like normal calling method. Most of the users feel it’s also like the 2D technology and get bored with this.

Our tech giant is always ahead of us, so they start to make the solution for this boredom through this new project Starline. But how? In our currently using video calling method, we were the only view and hear the receiver but this technology aims to bring you almost face to face with the person you speak with, which means it creates an illusion that you have talked with the person in real-time. What?

Did you know what Google Says about this project on its blog? “Imagine looking through a sort of magic window, and through that window, you see another person, life-size and in three dimensions, you can talk naturally, gesture, and make eye contact”. Through this lines, Google is ready to make video conferencing more immersive by turning you into the hologram.

To make this hologram in real-time, it using the technologies like computer vision, machine learning, spatial audio, and real time compression. And also uses the light field display system that creates a sense of volume and depth that can be experienced without the need for additional glasses and headsets.

Further, the system relies on 3D images of the user, which is then compressed in real-time and then sends to a 3D display to give the effect that the person is really sitting opposite to you. Of course, these are not done through our normal smartphone, our Google CEO will be cleared that it needs some types of equipment for this.

But it will never reveal that how much it cost and what are types of equipment it needs instead of that it only explains that this one uses WebRTC technology which is the one used by Google Meet. At the same time, Google doesn’t say anything about the internet speed such a system needs to execute this one because it uses 3D holographic images, which will likely be very heavy.

According to Google, this one is in testing situation. Because in their blog they said, “we have been conducting demos with selected enterprises in areas like healthcare and media to get early feedback on the technology and its application, we’re planning trial deployment with enterprise partners later this year.”

So what we have to do is simply waiting and see how many changes it made in our daily life. But one thing is confirmed that hereafter we’re not only seeing that person but also feels them too. Wait before the conclusion I have some question for you:

1)   What happen if the tactile VR technology will combine with this one?

2)   If you have this technology, who is the first person you can speak with?

These are my questions; use the comments section for further discussion. I’ll expect great questions from you. Thank You.

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