Machine Learning: The Beginner's Guide!

Have you heard this term Machine Learning? If you say No, then you’re in Stone Age which means you’re not in trend. Yes, the word machine learning is very popular in recent days not only days but also in years. Some of them are heard and know the details about it but many of them are using it without the awareness of what we’re using. So our today’s article is about the working process of machine learning. it is solely a beginner's guide of machine learning and where it uses. As per our blog procedure here we discuss the definition, advancements, and its uses. So no further talking, let’s get on to the technical definition of Machine Learning.

Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. So basically machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it to learn for themselves.

Apart from the technical definition, here I explain it in simple terms. The concept of machine learning is nothing but to make the computer start to think on its own without a human interception. Now you all got the point right? Compared to our entire previous Artificial Intelligence article the base element for all that is Machine Learning. But how it plays this is the question that will arise in our minds. Here is the solution to that question.

In machine learning, we have to give the sample data to those machines, then the system will use those data for analyzing and predicting the useful pattern from that. The same operation will be done with all types of AI systems. They are all using the sample data through those data they will gain the knowledge and use that knowledge for further processing. To make it simple, look at the example. There is a supermarket in your area and every week you brought three packs of bread and jam. Same like you some other people in your area will also do the same type of purchasing, using these data the shop owner will easily recognize your buying pattern and what do you need and how much you need. This process is a simple one for only one shop. If the owner has more shop then he can’t do those predictions easily. So he needs some assistance with that. In this situation,  Machine Learning plays an important role and helped the owner to predict the usage patterns to increase the sales of the shop.

I think this real-time example will help you to understand the concept better right. Now you have the question ok it is used for those business people but how it will use in our daily life. Here I’ll explain it. We’re using machine learning in our daily life even without knowing it such as Google Maps, Google Assistant, Alexa, etc. All these things are worked based on the concept of machine learning. Most of you all amused right because we’re all not know about this right. Her I list down some of the trending real-world application of machine learning:

  • Image recognition – like facebook automatic friend suggestion system
  • Speech recognition – like voice search mechanism
  • Traffic prediction on Google Maps
  • Product recommendation on shopping and OTT sites
  • Self-driving cars
  • E-Mail filtering – filtering spam messages on email apps
  • Virtual personal assistant – like voice assistants such as Google Assistant, Siri, Alexa, etc.
  • Online fraud detection
  • Stock market trading
  • Medical diagnosis
  • Automatic language translation

I think the list is indefinite so here I conclude it. If you want to know more details about then let me know through the comments section.

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