How to safe this world from this harmful things????

We all know that how much the technology is changing in every second? Yes, in every second the new technology are invented and the old one is thrown away. These one made huge e-waste around Us. You all know that we already discussed about the seriousness of E-waste(If you're new to this place then please read it through the fo link).

In today's article, we should know more details about the e-waste through the technology called green computing. Green Computing is the best concept that helps to understand the e-waste management in a better way. But it not only for e-waste management but also it include many things. So further delay let's move on to how to safe this world from this harmful things????

Computers are created a great change in every one life simply said that once daily life isn't completed without the use of computing devices. For those situation it will create both positive and also the negative impact. Here in the green computing technology we will be discussed the negative impact of the computing devices and to know how to reduce them. 

As per our rules first we have to know the meaning of the term green computing. Green computing is the environmentally responsible and eco-friendly use of computers and their resources. In broader terms, it is also defined as the study of designing, engineering, manufacturing, using and disposing of computing devices in a way that reduces their environmental impact. Green Computing, also known as Green Technology or Green IT, has quickly emerged as the most effective means of utilising technology.

The above meaning is a easily understandable one right now we move on to the next question why we need it.

We all think that computer makes our life simple. For that simplification it creates load of harms to nature. For in a recent survey state that $250 billion per year spent on powering computers worldwide only about 15% of that power is spent computing, the rest is wasted idling (i.e. consumed by computers which are not in use but still turned ON). That consumed energy is the main reason of CO2 emission, thus, energy saved on computer hardware and computing will equate tonnes of carbon emissions saved per year.

Through this one you all know that how much the technologies growth will affect the nature. To reduce this one Environmental protection Agency launched the program call energy efficient devices on 1992, named as Energy Star. These Energy Star devices are the one who can controlled to promote and recognise energy efficiency. But this alone can make many changes that's why the following techniques are created:

  • Green use: Minimizing the electricity consumption of computers and their peripheral devices and using them in an eco-friendly manner
  • Green disposal: Repurposing existing equipment or appropriately disposing of, or recycling, unwanted electronic equipment
  • Green design: Designing energy-efficient computers, servers, printers, projectors and other digital devices
  • Green manufacturing: Minimizing waste during the manufacturing of computers and other subsystems to reduce the environmental impact of these activities

Basically the above four approachs are used to promote green computing. I think now you all get the basic idea about the technology, why we need it and how this one implemented on higher sector but here what I have to do to reduce the pollution that created by my own side. The following are some ways to help us to reduce the ratio of pollution in our point of view:

  • If you don't use the device then simply put it on to the sleep or hibernate mode this one saves some energy.
  • Only buy the energy efficient products
  • Creates a proper power management system for your devices
  • While using the devices if the Internet facility is not necessary then simply disable it.
  • Instead of buying a new one try to reuse the things that has less priority.
  • Minimize the use of paper and properly recycle waste paper.
  • Dispose of e-waste according to federal, state and local regulations.
  • Always check the SAR value of the device and also check whether if it is under the permitted range. 
  • Use your printers, scanners, webcams, and other associated IT peripherals only when required
  • Screen savers consume power so do not use them.
  • Print only when required, use both side printing, and use only recycled paper.
  • Purchase hardware that is less energy-intensive. For example, SSD consumes less power than HDD.
  • Rather than purchasing a new pen drive or external hard disk try to move your data to cloud servers
  • Use Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology to reduce the wiring infrastructure and metallic wastes.

These are all some ways to reduce the little amount pollution but we all know Tha meaning of the following proverb 

"Little drops of water make the mighty ocean" 

So according to this one its a time for us to take the necessary action towards the pollution things. 

So always try to remember the above ones while using the electronic devices. 

I think now you all understand how important green computing is. 

Thank you for reading!!! 

If you found anything is incorrect let me know through the comments section. At the same time if you found the content is valuable then share it with your friends. 

Once again thank you for reading!!!!! 

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