QR Code: The Negative Side QRhishing

QR code without this one our today’s life is most affected because most of our payment transactions are made through this one. But have you ever think about the negative side of this one.

Now the following thought will run on your brain “What QR code negative Side? Again!!! What is the problem with this one?”.

Yes, this simple one has arise the major problem around us. So this article is the tool for you to learn about that one and it is also the way for you to protect yourself against it.

As per our rules before moving onto the problem, we have to know the definition, working process, and the usages of QR codes. So first we have to discuss the definition part.

QR code – Quick Response Code.

A QR is a type of bar code that can be easily read by the electronic device and which stores information as a series of pixels in a square-shaped grid. While they may look very simple, but it is capable of storing lots of data. But no matter how much they hold when you scanned the code, it will immediately present the information they hold that’s why it is called a QR code. It may frequently be used to track information about product supply, login purpose, and most importantly used to make payments while purchasing. Through this now you all know what QR code is and where it is used then next we want to know the working process of QR code.

The pattern within the QR code represents binary code that can be interpreted to reveal the code’s data. For those revealing processes, we can use the QR code reader. Basically, while we scan the QR code with the reader, it first tries to identify the large three squares outside the QR code called as finder pattern. Once it identified it then it assumed that the given code is the standard one and then it analyzed the QR code by breaking the whole thing down to a grid. Basically, it looks at the individual grid squares and assigns each one a value based on whether it is black or white. And then it groups grid squares to create a larger pattern. Basically, the QR contains six components. They are as follows:

  • Quiet zone – the white border around the code
  • Finder pattern – three squares around the corner of the code
  • Alignment pattern – used to verify whether the QR code is scanned when it screwed
  • Timing pattern – L shaped one used to identify Individual Square within whole code
  • Version information
  • Data cell – actual one contains the required information

Now you all have a clear idea about how it works. Ok, then we have to move on the negative side of the QR code. The major part of this article. But before move on to this one we have to know the concept of Phishing. But how it related to this one.

Please read: Phishing: The Beginners Guide

For that, read the following. Basically in phishing technology, the malicious code is injected within another medium like text, email, etc to hack the system.  Here this phishing technology uses QR code as the medium to hack the victim’s system. This method is called QRhishing.

This type of hacking can be done two ways:

  • Malicious code is injected within QR code
  • Infected URL is injected within the QR code

Ok, this is the way for hacking then how to protect ourselves against it. Here I present some of the ways according to my knowledge, if you have any other ideas, then let me know through the comments section.

  • If you’re using the QR code then verify it before scanning.
  • Check the link before giving any details on it
  • Keep the antivirus active
  • Enable multi-factor authentication especially for payment transaction

But apart from all of these, the easiest way of protecting yourself is to educate. So,

Stay Aware!!! Stay Safe!!!!

I think now you all understand the concept of QR codes. If you have any more doubt then let me know through the comments section.

Thank you for reading!!!

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